Feridun Zaimoglu
Feridun Zaimoglu was born in Bolu, Anatolia, in 1964 and has lived in Germany since 1965. He studied Art and Medicine in Kiel, where he works as a writer, scriptwriter and journalist. Among others, he writes for the German newspapers Die Welt, Die Zeit and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Feridun Zaimoglu is founder of the group, ‘Kanak Attack’. This was also the title of a film adaptation for the screen of his book Scum (1997). Zaimoglu has received numerous awards including the Jury Prize at the Ingeborg Bachmann Competition (2003), a Villa Massimo Scholarship (2005) and the German literary award “Preis der Literaturhäuser” (2012). His most recently published books are: Hinterland (2009), Carbon Black (Ruß, 2011) and The Rental Painter: A Love Story (Der Mietmaler: eine Liebesgeschichte, 2013).